Ambitious goals
Redox chemistry for a zero-waste economy
We use renewable energy and renewable starting materials to develop new synthesis routes, new materials and products, and new energy storage solutions aiming for the highest efficiency.
Electrochemical (and photochemical) hydrogen production, based on renewable (green) energy sources, means that also other parts of the chemical industry will need to be ‘electrified’. The transition in the chemical industry from current petrochemical-based processes to electrochemical processes requires the development of numerous novel redox-chemistry-based transformations.
The electrification of future chemical manufacturing will only be achieved with a paradigm shift in current chemical synthesis, catalysis, and chemical engineering. For instance, we will have to
Amcel will build the foundation for the green and electrical energy based chemistry of the future. Not only electrolyzers and photo-redox reactors will contribute to this field, but certainly also fuel-cell technology that enables the production of electricity and can be coupled to the production of desirable chemicals (green electrons and green holes). Redox flow battery chemistry provides a promising future technology for chemical energy storage. Furthermore, the development of structural battery technology for more lightweight energy storage systems will facilitate the growing trend for more electric mobility.
Amcel will not only benefit bulk chemistry but also fine-chemical industries. Electrosynthesis offers unique possibilities, such as late-stage functionalization, improving energy efficiencies, enabling complex skeletal rearrangements, or driving otherwise thermodynamically ‘uphill’ reactions. ‘Electrification’ processes and the use of ‘green hydrogen’ provide huge opportunities to reduce costs and increase efficiencies in the production of fine chemicals.